ArtCult Gallery


About the artist

Aljoscha (born in 1974, Ukraine) is a contemporary artist, who explores visual possibilities of synthetic biology and the new aesthetics of biofuturism and bioethical abolitionism. Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany.
● 2022-2023 Grant of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and Goethe Institut in Dresden, Germany● 2020 Pollock-Krasner grant, Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA● 2017 „Über die Umschwünge der himmlischen Kreise“, public installation project funded by Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Germany● 2012 Grant of Hybridartprojects (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in Mandrem, India● 2011 Grant of The University’s Museum of Contemporary Art (Mexico City), in Venice, Italy● 2011 Grant of Kunstgarten Graz, Austria● 2010-2011 Grant of Hybridartprojects in El Zonte, El Salvador● 2010 „bioism uprooting populus“, public installation project funded by Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung, German● 2009 Art prize „Schlosspark 2009“, Cologne, Germany● 2008 1st Prize in sculpture, XXXV Premio Bancaja, Valencia, Spain
Education:2006 – International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria (class of Shirin Neshat);2001-2002 – Art Academy Duesseldorf, Germany (class of Prof. Konrad Klapheck).
His works can be found in such museum collections as Tate Modern in London, the Ludwig Museum in Cologne, the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin, the Allen Memorial Art Museum in Oberlin, Ohio, The Getty Center in Los Angeles, the State Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki.

  • List of the exhibitions

    2024 – "Monadology of Consciousness and Space", Lauffenmühle, Lauchringen, Germany
    2024 – "Solidarity With Victims", Tribeca Synagogue, New York City, USA
    2024 – "Deviations of Kindness", Sant'Angelo, Milan, Italy
    2023 – "Paradise Hypothesis", Galerie Priska Pasquer, Paris, France
    2023 – "Composing Bioethical Choices", Fondazione Made in Cloister, Naples, Italy
    2022 – "Flüstern des Raums / Forming Divinity", Osthaus Museum and Emil Schumacher Museum, Hagen, Germany
    2022 – "Anti-war Intervention in Kyiv 2022", masc foundation, Vienna, Austria
    2022 – "Stope insanity, seek for kindness!", Fondazione Sant'Elia, Palermo, Italy
    2022 – "The Evolutionary Optimism", Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Germany
    2021 – "Vivimos el mejor de los tiempos. Estamos comenzando a construir el Paraíso", Palacio de Santoña, Madrid, Spain
    2020 – "Miraculous Draught", St. John the Divine, New York, USA
    2020 – "Durchbruch des Seins in den unbegrenzten Freiraum der Möglichkeiten", Galerie Martina Kaiser, Cologne, Germany
    2019 – "Bioethische Funktionslust", Galerie von Braunbehrens, Stuttgart, Germany
    2019 – "Panspermia and Cosmic Ancestry", KWS & Galerie Susanne Neuerburg, Einbeck, Germany
    2019 – "Geschwindigkeitsbeschleunigung der Evolution", Galerie Maximilian Hutz, Lustenau, Austria
    2018 – "Peak Experience", Beck & Eggeling Gallery, Vienna, Austria
    2017 – "Know Thyself", Donopoulos International Fine Arts, Mykonos, Greece
    2017 – "The Gates of the Sun and the Land of Dreams", Museum Schloss Benrath, Düsseldorf, Germany

Paradise Engineering

Acrylic glassInstallationPrice on request